Thursday, April 24, 2008

My garden, oh garden

Well, on day 7 I raked and raked and it seems like it is going to take forever to get all the soil tilled properly. lots of roots are still embedded deep in the ground and hard to pull out. Time for some beer and an aspirin. oh yeah, and I baked bread

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Gardening, day 6

The day after Earth Day should be a good one. Just a sprinkle this morning and now in the low seventies and partly sunny so out to do more raking. The first year in this garden location will be a lot of work to get the soil just right but next year I expect smooth sailing.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Power of Positive Gardening

Day One

Actually it's more like day 5 but I will catch y'all up. I got the riding mower charged and started last week and the blades were set at the lowest level so I went into the back yard and 'shaved' the grass down where I wanted my garden to be. When MDS came over he said it wasn't big enough, so I doubled it. Remember that for later!

On this last Sunday, my ex (MDS's father) let us borrow his tiller and edger and we took full advantage of the nicest weather lower Michigan has had this year. We tilled, we stripped sod, we raked and we hoed. Yes, you can sunburn this early in the year. I think I will be taking advantage of the herbal goo I got on Etsy from
Tamarasherbes for aches and pains a lot.

We didn't expect any rain for a few days so on Monday I let the garden dry a bit so it will be easier to get the root systems raked out of the soil. I decided to mow the front yard and now that I know how to adjust the height of the mower bed, I did. I got my stakes and string together and did some spring cleaning in the house. I have pretty much abandoned my crafting while I get things going outside.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I just don't know what to do

I worked one day last year for an agency that was handing out promotional material. I still have not been paid for that days work. They say they sent a check, I think they are lying. They won't send another check and put tracking on it which is all I asked them to do. It has been 4 and a half months and when I sent an email to the company saying that I was going to contact a lawyer and the better business bureau, this is what they wrote back. (note the bad grammar). Is this shady or what? It seems that they are just trying to get me to stop bugging them for my check.

Contact whoever you want. We gave you options and that's all we can do. We mailed your check and once we put it in the mail, it is out of our hands. You can either choose one of the options that Mae gave you or you can sit back and wait for the check we sent arrives.
Also, please note, we have saved your email and don't take threats lightly... be careful of who you make threats to.....

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The sun is shining

Well, finally. Here comes spring. I hope the good weather helps put me in a good mood. I am tired of the cold, snow, rain and general nasty weather we have been having.