...will not "rob" from the rich. My Robin Hood would make sure we are not robbed either. I don't require a huge redistribution of wealth. I know that a lot of Occupy Wall Street folk are focused on the extensive gap between the wealthiest and poorest in this nation. I am constantly seeing statistics about "they" have this and "we" have not. I'm not against statistics but when all you do is publish them, without a corresponding solution, then they fall flat.
All I want is, what would be considered by (IMO) the majority of people, what is fair. Right now the minimum wage is not fair. The average income for the "middle class" is lower now than in 1968. Too many people can't "get by"* without a second job. After working for over 40 years and paying into the SSI system, I should not have to worry about it not being there.
My Robin Hood would make infrastructure and the ensuing jobs a top priority. My Robin Hood would mandate a "living wage" for our essential people like teachers, nurses and other service people that take care of us and our children. My Robin Hood would focus on sustainable industries like wind and solar power. My Robin Hood would have a heart and end the wars and safe guard our food.
I don't think I am asking for anything out of this world or unreasonable. I don't think most of the people I know are either. "We" don't want handouts, we want a helping hand to get back up on our feet.
I want a Robin Hood to vote for. Could that be the Green Party? I can only hope that my Robin Hood is out there somewhere.
*get by is being able to pay for an affordable home, car and food without a struggle, being able to put a little away for a rainy day and not living from paycheck to paycheck. This does not include luxury items, just being comfortable and having "enough".
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